- Drop off your vintage/pre-loved items to the store before the end of APRIL (this week!).
💙 Each bag dropped off will receive a 10% off coupon that is valid until the end of April 💙
- Only 20 pieces PER DROP OFF / PER PERSON! Could be 1 item - but no more than 20 items. Can be women’s OR kids, or both! Clothing only.
-We will sort through and accept up to 20 items. More details below on what we will accept.
We can price them or we can discuss what you would like them priced at.
-50/50 consignment split.
-We are going to host a one-night pop-up on 5/2 for everyone to shop!
-We will Venmo you for any sales by 5/4.
-All items that did not sell must be picked up by Tuesday, May 7 or we will donate them to William Temple on Wednesday, May 8 (we can’t hold sorry!).